
Say What You Mean; And Vice Versa

I am deep. Maybe I'm too deep. Often I speak in metaphors and confuse those around me - especially my wife. I don't know what it is about how I speak, or even write, but it even baffles me sometimes. Here's another example...
So, let's take for instance my ability (or sometimes inability) to write music. I like to write soft songs that make you think, cry, basically connect with you on an emotional level. The reason I want to have this connection is because I enjoy it when I hear music that connects with me other than on a visceral level. Songs that can be both complex and simple in style all while being something I would want to listen to on a lazy day. I can critique music and find things I enjoy. But for some reason, when it comes to my skills in this theater, I seem to fail.

I am inspired by many in the field of music and I have felt a tugging to reestablish my skill-set in song writing as of late. But I think I may have run out of things to say. I hope this isn't true. I am building my chops, trying to recover from the lapse since my last venture. Plans are to record some songs when Mr. Baxter returns from overseas. I am thinking of recording a few covers too to make the disc even out. Maybe some songs I like that could deal to have another rendition with my voice.

Have I ever told you how badly I want to be good at this? Most likely. But alas, I think there are very specific reasons I have lost my touch. I mean, let's look at it this way, if I was really good at song writing, then I probably wouldn't be as focused as I am on completing my degree. Maybe someday I'll be a rock star, or maybe ascribe less-than-moderate success within my friend circle...either way, as long as I like the songs I write, I will be happy.

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