
Yeah, I Eat Organic-lly

I've talked this over with the wife and I feel I should share it.
Kroger really has pushed my buttons with their new Organic Foods billboard campaign.
I'll have to get a picture to post of it, for my retelling is insufficient.

Kroger is advertising Organic foods for their stores on these billboards. I guess they are trying to get people to stop shopping for Organic goodness at Publix. Anyway, the pictures of people on the billboard have giant heads and these strange expressions like, "I can't believe I found Organic food at Kroger!" or "I'm crazy looking because I buy Organic food!"

I know I'm exaggerating. I just find it amusing. Oh, and the billboard closest to our house has a hippie on it. Come on guys. I'm no hippie. Appeal to me by other means than making me look crazy for buying food that's actually worth buying.

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