
Let's Go Outside

I like rocks. I like trees too. Basically, I like manly things.
My fiancee has even found out lately I enjoy football, baseball, and other very sweaty sports. I guess it all busted out of my subconscious when I attended The 1st and Quite Possibly Annual Brothers Spivey Pigskin and Meatfest.

This was my first time to feel manly in a while. The entire premise of this day was to get all the men together and play flag football (another first for me) and then later on in the day eat meat and watch whatever football game happened to be on television.

This turned out to be a blast. How so? Well, despite only being thrown a pass (make that an incomplete pass) I awakened a part of myself that had for far too long laid dormant.

I am man. I like football too. I may have good tastes in household decor, an uncanny sense of pitch, and a killer music collection...But that doesn't mean I don't like to watch the World Series. Or for that matter, watch Peyton Manning do an excellent job every weekend.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oddly enough, I think that once you hit a certain age.....if for whatever reason you haven't been a sports fan of any kind, that it just SNAPS!!! on. I too have been wanting and finding myself watching sports....I use to play them when I was younger of course, but still never liked watching them, but now I think my "manly" dial has been turned up or something....cause I'm watching sports cutting down trees and killing wild beasts..